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Vol Nike Alternate Uniform Designs

New Road Uniforms

The Vols’ “stormtroooper” uniforms are some of the most popular among fans, but Spencer decided to add a little flair to the Vols’ most-used road uniforms. And he helped the #freetheorangepants movement with his mock-up of a road uniform with orange pants, something the Vols haven’t worn since switching to Nike.

The first concept features an orange shoulder and the tri-star emblem on the sleeve as well as an orange face mask. The second one is a pretty clean look similar to what the Vols already wear, except the orange stripe down the side of the pants is different and their are numbers on the sleeves instead of the shoulders.

The third stormtrooper look features the state of Tennessee pretty heavily. Not only do you have a tri-star emblem on the helmet, but you also have an outline of the state of Tennessee on the shoulder sleeve. There’s also a script that says “Volunteers” in the pant stripe. This is definitely a “state pride” design.

Finally, the orange pants on a road uniform. The Vols last wore orange pants in a road contest in 2013. Since then, Tennessee has only worn all-white uniforms in their road games. But Spencer decided to create his own version of the orange pants road uniform, and they feature a tri-star helmet, orange shoulder sleeves, and the words “Tennessee Volunteer” in the white pants stripe.

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